
We take our commitment seriously. If you have something to bring to our attention, we'd love to hear it! If you receive excellent service, please let us know and that staff member will receive special commendation. If unfortunately, we have failed to live up to your highest expectations, let us know that as well, and we will do our best to resolve the issue. Use our contact form.
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All PediPec PPEC centers are opened Monday through Friday 6:30 AM-6:30 PM.

Please call to arrange a visit or just stop by to see our beautiful centers anytime during those hours. View locations
PediPec is always looking for caring, highly trained and qualified professionals looking for a rewarding career. Nurses, CNAs, EMTs and Paramedics, Physical and Occupational Therapists, and Speech Language Pathologists interested in joining a professional team with a commitment to excellent service should call to fax their resume to us.